From the Board of Christian Education

The Board of Christian Education is commissioned by the church membership to supervise the Sunday School program of St. Peter’s Pikeland UCC. This committee selects curriculum, coordinates the teachers, monitors, and volunteers, and plans special events that help make our program a safe and faith inspiring experience for all our children and youth. If you have questions or concerns regarding this program, please contact the members of the Board of Christian Education of your choice – Jill Cook, Laura Dick, Susan Hanson, Denise Harlow, Cherri Romano, Kathleen Wachsmuth, Deborah Wetty, and Lisa Wilson.

A little something to think about......

One Sunday, our Sunday School kids had a hand at trying a science experiment in making their own polymer bouncy balls. How does this relate to God, you may ask? The kids learned that God wants us to follow in his path. It is not always easy to do what God would want us to do. In our daily lives we are all faced with choices. Should you help your neighbor? Should you talk badly about another person? Should you want what others have? All of these issues can either guide us in God's path or cause us to go astray.... like a bouncy ball.

Before the experiment began, the kids lined up against the wall and rolled a soccer ball back and forth with each other in a straight manner. This symbolized the straight path we are to follow in order to obey God's wishes. The teacher then took a bouncy ball and threw it with force to make it bounce all around the room in chaotic movement. The bouncy ball symbolized how we can sometimes get off track and lose sight of the path God has set for us. But like the soccer ball, this ball can also go straight when directed correctly.

It was after learning the symbolic importance of each ball that the kids got to make their very own bouncy balls out of Borax, cornstarch, glue and water. It was a sticky mess in the beginning, but their mixture quickly turned solid and the result was their own ball to remind them to follow God's path! We all stray from the path sometimes, but the important point is that we can correct our "bouncy" habits!


Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs."  (Matthew 19:14)